track name=GGGenome description="GGGenome matches" OX459965|OX459965.2 Rangifer tarandus platyrhyncus genome assembly, chromosome: 29. 30361892 30361912 . 0 + LS423634|LS423634.1 Anas platyrhynchos genome assembly, chromosome: 24. 7052358 7052378 . 0 + OX598710|OX598710.1 Somateria mollissima genome assembly, chromosome: 21. 7769011 7769031 . 0 + OZ009984|OZ009984.1 Anas acuta genome assembly, chromosome: 21. 8296736 8296756 . 0 + EA107149|EA107149.1 Sequence 675 from patent US 7196245. 99 119 . 0 + EA483389|EA483389.1 Sequence 984 from patent US 7345217. 99 119 . 0 + GP291287|GP291287.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 7511190. 99 119 . 0 + GV640378|GV640378.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 7659446. 99 119 . 0 + GX710471|GX710471.1 Sequence 675 from patent US 7825296. 99 119 . 0 + GY238369|GY238369.1 Sequence 1822 from patent US 7956242. 138 158 . 0 + GY458777|GY458777.1 Sequence 6552 from patent US 8030546. 138 158 . 0 + GZ149820|GZ149820.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 8110725. 99 119 . 0 + GZ834028|GZ834028.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 8426678. 99 119 . 0 + HJ423239|HJ423239.1 Sequence 675 from patent US 8541665. 99 119 . 0 + HK068515|HK068515.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 8796510. 99 119 . 0 + HK100475|HK100475.1 Sequence 984 from patent US 8809630. 99 119 . 0 + JA864815|JA864815.1 Sequence 675 from Patent EP2270167. 99 119 . 0 + JA869717|JA869717.1 Sequence 675 from Patent EP2270166. 99 119 . 0 + KH309622|KH309622.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 9476039. 99 119 . 0 + MI006266|MI006266.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 9725728. 99 119 . 0 + MO969930|MO969930.1 Sequence 6552 from patent US 10597667. 138 158 . 0 + OS286394|OS286394.1 Sequence 483 from patent US 11566256. 99 119 . 0 + AW733770|AW733770.1 sk84a12.y1 Gm-c1035 Glycine max cDNA clone GENOME SYSTEMS CLONE ID: Gm-c1035-23 5' similar to TR:O23103 O23103 AP2 DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN RAP2.1, mRNA sequence. 34 54 . 0 + BE347034|BE347034.1 sp34b06.y1 Gm-c1043 Glycine max cDNA clone GENOME SYSTEMS CLONE ID: Gm-c1043-108 5' similar to TR:O24643 O24643 TINY-LIKE PROTEIN, mRNA sequence. 45 65 . 0 + BU089920|BU089920.1 sr67d02.y1 Gm-c1052 Glycine max cDNA clone GENOME SYSTEMS CLONE ID: Gm-c1052-796 5' similar to TR:Q9SW63 Q9SW63 TINY-LIKE PROTEIN. [1], mRNA sequence. 14 34 . 0 + EV275925|EV275925.1 GLMCN45TF JCVI-SOY2 Glycine max cDNA 5', mRNA sequence. 9 29 . 0 + EI301886|EI301886.1 GM_WBc0028G20.r GM_WBc Glycine max genomic clone GM_WBc0028G20 3', genomic survey sequence. 527 547 . 0 + HN978597|HN978597.1 GC_Bb070C21.F GC_Bb Glycine cyrtoloba genomic 5', genomic survey sequence. 64 84 . 0 + AC170860|AC170860.16 Glycine max cultivar Williams 82 clone gmw1-57d24, complete sequence. 42211 42231 . 0 + BT091877|BT091877.1 Soybean clone JCVI-FLGm-9C23 unknown mRNA. 9 29 . 0 + CP125850|CP125850.1 Trifolium repens isolate ACLI19 chromosome 08_0cc. 54106446 54106466 . 0 + EF051448|EF051448.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-5 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051449|EF051449.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-6 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051450|EF051450.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-8 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051451|EF051451.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-7 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051452|EF051452.1 Glycine soja isolate 4-11 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051453|EF051453.1 Glycine soja isolate 4-12 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 532 552 . 0 + EF051454|EF051454.1 Glycine soja isolate 4-22 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 532 552 . 0 + EF051455|EF051455.1 Glycine soja isolate 4-19 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 532 552 . 0 + EF051456|EF051456.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-12 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051457|EF051457.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-3 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051458|EF051458.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-14 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051459|EF051459.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-1 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051460|EF051460.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-11 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 534 554 . 0 + EF051461|EF051461.1 Glycine soja isolate 3-2 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051462|EF051462.1 Glycine soja isolate 4-17 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1 gene, complete cds. 533 553 . 0 + EF051463|EF051463.1 Glycine soja isolate 4-18 dehydration responsive element-binding protein 1-like gene, complete sequence. 533 553 . 0 + OY365814|OY365814.1 Bimastos eiseni genome assembly, chromosome: 9. 19789356 19789376 . 0 + OX596110|OX596110.1 Rangifer tarandus platyrhyncus genome assembly, chromosome: 26. 23223288 23223308 . 0 - OX598325|OX598325.1 Somateria mollissima genome assembly, chromosome: 22. 260671 260691 . 0 - CP126426|CP126426.1 Glycine max cultivar Williams 82 chromosome 1. 55172053 55172073 . 0 - OX940792|OX940792.1 Trifolium fragiferum genome assembly, chromosome: 4. 51801411 51801431 . 0 -