track name=GGGenome description="GGGenome matches"
JB350848|JB350848.1 Sequence 3260 from Patent EP2519097.	530	552	.	0	+
JB350849|JB350849.1 Sequence 3261 from Patent EP2519097.	518	540	.	0	+
KH362759|KH362759.1 Sequence 3260 from patent US 9493785.	530	552	.	0	+
KH362760|KH362760.1 Sequence 3261 from patent US 9493785.	518	540	.	0	+
LQ606409|LQ606409.1 Sequence 3260 from Patent EP3056569.	530	552	.	0	+
LQ606410|LQ606410.1 Sequence 3261 from Patent EP3056569.	518	540	.	0	+
MO207981|MO207981.1 Sequence 3260 from patent US 10351873.	530	552	.	0	+
MO207982|MO207982.1 Sequence 3261 from patent US 10351873.	518	540	.	0	+
EH043930|EH043930.1 AS1RN5P1H02.ab1 Healthy Roots (RN) Arachis stenosperma cDNA 5', mRNA sequence.	95	117	.	0	+
ES720496|ES720496.1 TFR5_19_A06_E001.g1 USDA-Tifton Peanut Library TFR5 Arachis hypogaea cDNA clone TFR5-019-41_A06 5', mRNA sequence.	436	458	.	0	+
ES720744|ES720744.1 TFR5_24_F12_E001.g1 USDA-Tifton Peanut Library TFR5 Arachis hypogaea cDNA clone TFR5-024-94_F12 5', mRNA sequence.	409	431	.	0	+
GO266249|GO266249.1 VBL1_39_K11_E001.g1 Normalized cDNA library from cotyledon and young leaves of peanut Arachis hypogaea cDNA, mRNA sequence.	5	27	.	0	+
GO331236|GO331236.1 VBL6_35_F21_E001.g1 Normalized cDNA library from developing embryos of peanut Arachis hypogaea cDNA, mRNA sequence.	518	540	.	0	+
GW964651|GW964651.1 Ipa.ADAB-aac45e08.b1 IPA1-root Arachis ipaensis cDNA 5', mRNA sequence.	517	539	.	0	+
GW969326|GW969326.1 Ipa.ADAB-aad26f03.b1 IPA1-root Arachis ipaensis cDNA 5', mRNA sequence.	519	541	.	0	+
JK185328|JK185328.1 NRL_007219 Root cDNA library of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Arachis hypogaea cDNA clone ocpnra0_0088_G10.ab1, mRNA sequence.	522	544	.	0	+
JK198952|JK198952.1 RILL_010018 Ralstonia solanacearum challenged leaf cDNA library of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) Arachis hypogaea cDNA clone ocprla0_0119_A02.ab1, mRNA sequence.	523	545	.	0	+
EZ727463|EZ727463.1 TSA: Arachis hypogaea CL1Contig6479.Arhy mRNA sequence.	607	629	.	0	+
DQ099062|DQ099062.1 Arachis stenosperma clone AS1RN5H02 microsatellite sequence.	63	85	.	0	+
OU565269|OU565269.1 Seladonia tumulorum genome assembly, chromosome: 4.	7279942	7279964	.	0	+
GO336218|GO336218.1 VBL6_50_B05_E001.g1 Normalized cDNA library from developing embryos of peanut Arachis hypogaea cDNA, mRNA sequence.	180	202	.	0	-
JR544020|JR544020.1 TSA: Arachis hypogaea Ahy.Unigene3403 mRNA sequence.	187	209	.	0	-
CP030986|CP030986.1 Arachis hypogaea cultivar Shitouqi chromosome A04.	102313690	102313712	.	0	-
CP030996|CP030996.1 Arachis hypogaea cultivar Shitouqi chromosome B04.	98591304	98591326	.	0	-
CP049895|CP049895.1 Arachis ipaensis cultivar K30076 chromosome 04.	111976072	111976094	.	0	-