GGGenome Help | Japanese


Max number of mismatches/gaps mismatches : (no more than 25% of the query length)
Search for: both strand plus strand minus strand

2024-07-27 08:38:08, GGGenome : Human spliced RNA, RefSeq curated protein coding on GRCh38/hg38.p13, D3G 22.02 (Feb, 2022)



Matches are highlighted with blue background. Mismatches and indels are marked in red.

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Debug Info:

Redirect URI :
lang : en | db : hg38_RefSeqCuratedProtCoding_spliced_d3g2202 | k : 0 | strand : | nogap : | query_string : AATGTTGTCAATGAA | format : html | download : | debug :

0.009 | 0.009 | search_start;
0.084 | 0.075 | search_plus_done;
0.087 | 0.003 | search_minus_done;
0.087 | 0.000 | cgi_end;

GGGenome by @meso_cacase at DBCLS
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