2024-11-13 00:07:15, GGGenome : Mouse pre-spliced RNA, RefSeq curated protein coding on mm10, D3G 20.03 (Mar, 2020)
Matches are highlighted with blue background.
Mismatches and indels are marked in red.
Maximum 100000 results can be retrieved in various formats shown below:
Redirect URI : https://gggenome.dbcls.jp/mm10_RefSeqCuratedProtCoding_prespliced_d3g2003/TTCATTGACAACATT
lang : en |
db : mm10_RefSeqCuratedProtCoding_prespliced_d3g2003 |
k : 0 |
strand : |
nogap : |
query_string : TTCATTGACAACATT |
format : html |
download : |
debug :
0.010 | 0.010 | search_start; 0.092 | 0.082 | search_plus_done; 0.097 | 0.005 | search_minus_done; 0.100 | 0.003 | cgi_end;
GGGenome by
@meso_cacase at
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